
The Revocable Living Trust Trap (June 2011)

THE REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST TRAP Here is a Medicaid rule that often surprises those in nursing homes: if your home property is in a Revocable Living Trust, you cannot qualify for Medicaid for nursing home costs until you take your home out of the trust.  However,...

Estate Planning Update (April 2011)

2011 ESTATE PLANNING UPDATE By Sanford K. Okura   Here is a 2011 update on important numbers used in Estate Planning and Medicaid Planning in Hawaii. How much money and property can a person have at death without paying estate taxes? Under a temporary federal...

Civil Unions and Estate Planning (March 2011)

On February 23, 2011, Governor Abercrombie signed into law Senate Bill 232, which makes civil unions legal in Hawaii, starting January 1, 2012.  Although the law says that a civil union is not a marriage, it gives partners in a civil union the same legal rights and...

The New Estate Tax Law (January 2011)

Happy New Year, everyone!  We have some exciting new tax laws.  On December 17, 2010, President Obama signed into law the 2010 Tax Relief Act.  I will explain the most important changes in estate and gift taxes. Temporary Law.  Important parts of the new law are only...

Community Property (December 2010)

COMMUNITY PROPERTY If you own property in any of the following states, it is important that you understand the basics about community property: Alaska, Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin.  Also Puerto Rico and...