
Making It Easier For Your Loved Ones (March 2012)

MAKING IT EASIER FOR YOUR LOVED ONES From time to time, our law firm has a client who passes away with a situation similar to the following actual experience.  The wife died. She handled all of the family finances.  She was the family record keeper.  When she died,...

Who Inherits When Someone Dies? (February 2012)

WHO INHERITS WHEN SOMEONE DIES? When someone dies without a will, we say that the person died “intestate.”  The law of intestacy explains who will inherit the property of a person who dies without a will.  Each state has its own law of intestacy.  I will...

Reverse Mortgage (December 2011)

REVERSE MORTGAGE People often ask me for advice about reverse mortgages.  They hear that with a reverse mortgage the bank pays you instead of your paying the bank, and that sounds good to them.  Here is the advice I give them:  if you want your children or other loved...

New Law: Transfer on Death Deed (October 2011)

NEW LAW:  TRANSFER ON DEATH DEED Hawaii has a new law which allows real estate to go to a beneficiary when the owner dies, without having to go to court for probate. This new procedure requires a new kind of deed, called a “Transfer on Death Deed.” Governor...